Village Hall

Village Board

Mayor - Joseph D'Onofrio

Trustee - James Ramus

Trustee - James DiSalvo

Trustee - Melanie Guerrero

Trustee - Peter Carroll

Village Clerk - Heidi Johnson

Treasurer - Gabrielle Ferrier

Click Here for Village Board Meeting Minutes


Police  Click here for Village Police page

Acting Building Dept. Head - Phil Hannawalt - Town Hall 845-446-4280 x331

Code Enforcement Officer - TBD - Town Hall 845-446-4280

Section 8 - Joseph E. Mastrianni, Inc. 518 372-4739
Section 8 Rental assistance / Housing Rehab

Community Development - 845-615-3700 "Orange County"

Historian - Ronnie Coffey - 845-446-0400

DPW Superintendent Click here for email 845-446-4096

Sewer Plant
John Jones 845-446-5156

Water Plant

Village of Highland Falls Frequently Asked Questions (with answers)

Property Tax Information

- Property Tax bills are issued June 1st and due by the close of business on the 30th of June.
- Late fee of 5% is added for the first month late, with increments of 1% each month thereafter.
- Unpaid taxes are levied onto county taxes.
- The current village tax rate is $11.562567 (2024-2025).


1) What identification is needed to obtain a certification for death for a person who was born or died within the Village limits?
Certification can be obtained in person between 9:00 am & 4:00 pm Monday -- Friday, except holidays. There is a $10.00 fee for each copy of a certification.
Certification can be obtained by mail by sending the completed application (birth or death) along with a copy of acceptable identification and a check or money order made payable to the Village of Highland Falls to:

Village Registrar
Village of Highland Falls
303 Main Street
Highland Falls, NY 10928

Acceptable identification for in-person requests:

1. Driver's License
2. Non-driver's License
3. Passport
4. Naturalization papers
5. Military ID
6. Employer's photo ID

Application for Death Record from Local Registrar

For full information regarding eligibility, Please call (845) 446-3400

2) How can I obtain a copy of a birth or death certificate if I was born on West Point or in the Town of Highlands outside Village limits?

Please call or write

Town Clerk (845-446-4280 ext.311)
Town of Highlands
254 Main Street
Highland Falls, NY 10928

3) How can I obtain a marriage license?
Please contact the Town Clerk's Office (845) 446-4280.

4) Who do I contact for a genealogy search?
Call Village Registrar (845) 446-3400 or Historian (845) 446-0400
and/or complete the below application and enclose $22.00 fee and mail to:

Village Registrar
Village of Highland Falls
303 Main Street
Highland Falls, NY 10928

Application for Genealogy Search

5) Is there a Notary Public available in Village Hall?
Notary information:  please call Town of Highlands 845 446-4280, ext 311

6) How do I obtain a Bog Meadow permit and key?
Must apply at Village Hall;  please have proof of residency, fishing license & license plate # of car to be used -- cost $20 / year  (June 1 - May 31)

Parking Tickets

Refer all questions to Town Court clerk (845) 446-4280

Village Services


1) When are water bills issued and when are they due?
water bills are issued May 1 and Nov 1 and due May 31 and Nov. 30

2) What is the current rate?
current rate is $88.80 (0-5000 gallons).
$4.63 per thousand gallons over 5000. (5/1/20)

3) Who do I call if my water pressure is low or if I suspect a leak?
Call the Water Department at (845) 446-3252

4) How do I request a water reading?
Call Village Hall at (845) 446-3400 or the Water Department at (845) 446-3252


1) When are sewer bills issued and when are they due?
Sewer bills are issued June 1 and Dec 1 and due June 30th and Dec. 31st

2) What is the current rate?
Current rate is 185 % of the water bill
For questions on Sewer Billing call Village Clerk's Office (845) 446-3400

3) Who do I call if my sewer line appears clogged?
Call Sewer Department (845) 446-5156


For questions on trash or recycling, please call Town Sanitation at 845-446-3800


The Department of Public Works picks up yard waste, in clear bags, left at the curb, on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month, as time permits.
For further questions call Highway Dept. (845) 446-4096

Litter baskets in the village are for use by visitors. They are not for household or commercial trash. The Penal Law of the State of New York allows for fines up to $250 and/or imprisonment for a term as long as 15 days for violating this law. Heavy Fines imposed for unlawful dumping.

Drinking Water
Area link
Village of Highland Falls
Christmas Main St 2020 (1)

Christmas Main St 2020 (1)

Christmas Memorial Park 2020

Christmas Memorial Park 2020

Christmas Memorial Park 2020

Christmas Memorial Park 2020

Village of Highland Falls

303 Main St.
Highland Falls, N.Y. 10928
Telephone 845-446-3400
Fax 845-446-2952

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